Informed consent templates
Below we have a number of different templates available*, depending on the type of research and whether you are processing personal data. You are required by law (see website Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) to properly inform people when processing their personal data. The templates for the processing of personal data contain an appendix with a summary page for a quick overview, and a more exhaustive part that explains the processing in more detail. Please adapt these parts where necessary to suit your specific research project.
More information about drafting informed consent forms.
You will need additional consent when processing special categories of personal data (i.e. ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, and the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation). Public interest remains the legal basis for processing, and if participants withdraw consent you are only required to remove the special categories.
There are also templates available for when you need to acquire parental consent.
When you plan on conducting research within a specific institution (such as a school), you must seek the cooperation of its management. To make an informed decision, the institution’s management needs to understand the design of your research along with various practical considerations. Concerning the processing of personal data, you must deal with the individual participants or their parents/guardians, not the institution. Therefore, this is a statement of agreement for management, rather than a declaration of consent.
Please note: Besides this information letter, you must also prepare a separate information letter for the participants.
*Based on the templates created by our colleagues at the Faculty of Humanities.